Audio: | English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono* / 224 kbps
Subtitles: | None
Menus available in: | None
Special features: | None
Notes: | This. Film. Was. Boring, boring, BORING! Even the 22 minutes shorter** German version was a pain to sit through, but the original English cut gives a whole new meaning to the words mindless tedium. To be honest, there was a scene or two brighter than the rest, e.g. this turd-curdling chase... in rickshaws!
It's been - fortunately - cut from the German version. ;-) Anyway, cuts are not the only difference between the two versions - the order of some of the scenes has been changed as well, e.g. this one appears @ 32:15 in the German version / close to the end of the film (1:22:14) in the English one:
English version | German version
Then, a common practice, the on-screen text in English has been replaced by (roughly) the equivalents in German:
English version | German version
Regarding the PQ, the scenes common to both versions seem to have come from the same source. Strangely enough, the English version, 22 minutes longer while occupying approx. the same disc space as the German one (3.48 vs. 3.28 GB (video only); 1.05 Mbps lower bitrate - note also the "flatter" graph), is the sharper / more detailed looking one. I noticed a scene where the German version clearly uses a different source - a fact itself not surprising, since there's even a warning preceding the film, which says:
Because of damage and censorship cuts, this version was assembled from several prints. Please excuse the differences in quality in some of the scenes.
The weird thing is that the scene in question is exactly the same in both versions (i.e. no alternate takes):
English version | German version
OK, I think I've spent more than enough time on this crappy flick already; conclusion: the presentation of the film(s) is pretty neat, compared to e.g. Kinowelt's similar " Das Rätsel des silbernen Dreiecks" double feature, so if you feel like there's too much fun in your life, be sure to give this a try... (c: *difference between channels is -72.97 dB (0.02 %) **while it IS shorter, there's at least one scene not seen it the longer cut:
Moreover, according to the booklet, the difference should be 27 minutes (@ film speed = approx. 26 minutes @ 25 fps), the length of the English cut being 104 & the German one 77 minutes (= approx. 100 & 74 @ 25 fps)... |