Atypfilm (frame 442)


Reviewed by dvdfreak

Last modified on Friday 20th March 2020, 12:18:55 AM

Česká verze / Return to index

Label:  Atypfilm (Czech Republic)

Region:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8
RCE protection:  No
Copyright protection system:  None

Disc type:  DVD5* (the data occupy 4.28 GB)

Playback time (hh:mm:ss.frames):  1:24:48.00

Video:  PAL
Aspect ratio:  1.36:1 non-anamorphic*

Bitrate (min / avg / max):  0.16 / 6.18 / 8.47 Mbps

Bitrate (min / avg / max)


Czech Dolby Digital 2.0* / 192 kbps
Slovak Dolby Digital 2.0* mono** / 192 kbps

Subtitles: None

Menus available in: Czech

Special features:


A block of advertisements/trailers runs before the menus appear, and it's impossible to skip it.

Overall, this doesn't look half bad, unfortunately, it seems the restoration tool used has gone haywire in places (note e.g. the girl's pixelated arm & the artefacts in her face in frame 47454). The encode could've used a little more space to breathe too (see e.g. frame 80038)...

*it says "DVD9," "16:9" & "5.1" on the cover, but it's a mistake
**difference between channels is -73.39 dB (0.02 %)

TV Markíza DVB (frame 401)

TV Markíza DVB

Reviewed by dvdfreak

Last modified on Friday 20th March 2020, 12:18:55 AM

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Label:  TV Markíza DVB (Slovakia)

Region:  n/a
RCE protection:  n/a
Copyright protection system:  n/a

Disc type:  n/a

Playback time (hh:mm:ss.frames):  1:24:43.09

Video:  PAL
Aspect ratio:  1.31:1 non-anamorphic

Bitrate (min / avg / max):  5.92 / 6.42 / 6.94 Mbps

Bitrate (min / avg / max)


Slovak MPEG-1 Layer 2 2.0 mono* / 256 kbps

Subtitles: None

Menus available in: None

Special features:


Notes: This is a recording from TV Markíza's digital satellite broadcast.
Its purpose here is to provide a kind of reference for
the Atypfilm's release reviewed above.

*difference between channels is -49.46 dB (0.34 %)

TV Prima DVB (frame 225)

TV Prima DVB

Reviewed by dvdfreak

Last modified on Friday 20th March 2020, 12:18:55 AM

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Label:  TV Prima (Czech Republic)

Region:  n/a
RCE protection:  n/a
Copyright protection system:  n/a

Disc type:  n/a

Playback time (hh:mm:ss.frames):  1:25:08.22

Video:  PAL
Aspect ratio:  1.42:1 non-anamorphic

Bitrate (min / avg / max):  2.47 / 5.31 / 8.62 Mbps

Bitrate (min / avg / max)


Czech MPEG-1 Layer 2 2.0 mono* / 192 kbps

Subtitles: None

Menus available in: None

Special features:


Notes: This is a recording from TV Prima's digital satellite broadcast.
Its purpose here is to provide a kind of reference for
the Atypfilm's release reviewed above.

*difference between channels is -50.05 dB (0.31 %)

SFI & The Daily SME (frame 407)

SFI & The Daily SME

Reviewed by dvdfreak

Last modified on Friday 20th March 2020, 12:18:55 AM

Česká verze / Return to index

Label:  SFI & The Daily SME (Slovakia)

Region:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 8
RCE protection:  No
Copyright protection system:  None

Disc type:  DVD5 (the data occupy 3.97 GB)

Playback time (hh:mm:ss.frames):  1:24:44.09

Video:  PAL
Aspect ratio:  1.36:1 non-anamorphic

Bitrate (min / avg / max):  0.24 / 6.00 / 7.25 Mbps

Bitrate (min / avg / max)


Slovak Dolby Digital 2.0 mono* / 256 kbps
Czech Dolby Digital 2.0 mono* / 256 kbps

Subtitles: Slovak & English

Menus available in: Slovak & English

Special features:

  • Biographies (in Slovak & English)
    • Martin Hollý (2 pages)
  • Photogallery (7 movie stills)

  • 1/5 (12 cards) of a card game with photo stills from the film

Notes: This film is a part of "The Golden Collection of Slovak Fairy Tales" DVD edition
(released by SFI & The Daily SME), which also includes:

Hmm, comparing this with the older Atypfilm DVD, SFI's picture appears quite blurry, even though they both clearly come from the same source. Assuming SFI is the greater authority here (they do own the film's original elements), I'd say Atypfilm applied some extra sharpening to their release... I would say that, if it wasn't for the artefacts in the girl's face in frame 47454 I talked about previously; comparing that shot with SFI's (frame 47419), it's evident (or is it? ;-)) it was SFI who performed some additional filtering, which the blur seems to be a result of...

*difference between channels is -85.44 dB (0.01 %),
resp. -82.80 dB (0.01 %)

Česká verze / Return to index

Mouse over the links to see the other version(s) - requires JavaScript.

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 2903)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 3424)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 10778)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 17833)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 40072)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 47454)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 49035)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 64767)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 68672)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 80038)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 80076)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 100982)

Atypfilm | TV Markíza DVB | TV Prima DVB | SFI & The Daily SME

Atypfilm (frame 116737)

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